Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chronology 1997

June 1, 1997- New plan of attack
      -need to squeeze by fallen fuel tank to get into electric motor room and find spare parts
      -they should be identified as U-869 parts

August 17, 1997- Chatterton attempts plan with a trial dive by using 1 not 2 air tanks. Removing one & carrying through small space to other side & doing the same on return

August 24, 1997- Chatterton returns to try the dive again and has a close call with a beam collapsing inside the U-Boat; but gets a good video tape of the area

August 31, 1997- Chatterton returnes with a sledges hammer to remove the boxes of spare parts and though comes close to not making it back out gets a box

The box has the identication tag of U-869 clearly on the left hand side.

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